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The No. 2 Incineration Line of the Qionghai Waste-To-Energy Project was Officially Put into Operation
With Energy China(@EnergyChinaNews) as the EPC contractor, the No. 2 incineration line of the Qionghai Waste-To-Energy Project was officially put into operation recently. Located in south China’s Hainan Province, the project has 2 incineration lines with a daily processing capacity of 1200 tons of domestic waste. It is also equipped with a 25 MW steam turbine generator, and the construction site for kitchen waste, medical waste and sludge treatment facilities. After completion, it will process approximately 438,000 tons of domestic waste, and generate 200 million kWh of electricity per year. The construction of the project started in May last year, and its first incineration line was connected to the grid 8 months later. This sets a new record for China’s speed when it comes to waste-to-energy plants construction.
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