This Policy aims to provide CEEC with a useful guide which is standardized and equitable for management of the personnel working for the Organization. CEEC’s goal is to define working conditions that are recognized as unbiased and that encourage staff to demonstrate a sincere sense of interest and pride in the Organization and its work program, and to use their best skill sets to fulfil the role assigned to them.
The Human Resources Policy applies to all CEEC staff members and its subcontractors.
1. Non-discrimination and Equal Opportunity
- CEEC is committed to ensuring that all of our employment relationships are based on the principle of non-discrimination and equal opportunity.
- CEEC provides equal pay to men and women for work of equal value.
- CEEC provides equal pay and benefits to local and migrant workers performing the same job.
- CEEC has put in place measures to prevent and address any form of violence and harassment, bullying, intimidation and/or exploitation, including any form of gender-based violence (GBV).
2. Child Labour
- CEEC HR verifies the age of all workers during the recruitment process (under 18’s is not allowed).
- CEEC does not allow young workers to work at night or in hazardous conditions, and carry out a risk assessment and regular monitoring of health, working conditions, and hours of work.
3. Forced Labour
- CEEC and third parties acting on our behalf will not hold workers’ original identity papers, passports, work visas or other personal documents. The passports are requested by HR from the employees only for visa renewal purposes and are returned back to the employees after the process has been completed.
- CEEC prohibits charging workers any recruitment, processing or placement fees in order to obtain employment with our company.
- CEEC committed to ensuring that all of our workers enter into employment freely and voluntarily, without coercion or penalty, including through abusive and fraudulent recruitment practices, and that we do not use any form of forced, bonded or involuntary prison labour.
4. Wages, Benefits, and conditions of work
- CEEC provides clearly understandable verbal and written information to employees about their wages before they enter employment and provide detailed information on their wages, including benefits and deductions, for each pay period.
- CEEC commits that overtime work will be voluntary and will be performed and compensated in accordance with the national law where the project located.
5. Worker Accommodation
- CEEC provides accommodation for its workers in a manner consistent with the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunity, including safeguards against sexual harassment and other forms of gender based violence and harassment.
6. Working Relationships
- CEEC ensures that all workers are provided with a written contract – in the main languages(English ,Chinese, Uzbek, Russian, etc) spoken by the workforce ‒ and that this includes their entitlement to wages, hours of work and rest periods, overtime arrangements and overtime compensation, as well as any benefits such as leave for illness, maternity/paternity or holiday.
- CEEC ensures that HR management systems respects the rights of workers to privacy and data protection.
7. Collective Dismissal
- In the event of collective dismissal, CEEC will develop a collective dismissal plan to assess, reduce and mitigate the adverse effects of the workforce reduction on workers.
8. Workers’ Organizations
- CEEC will not discourage workers from electing worker representatives, forming or joining workers’ organisations of their choosing or from bargaining collectively.
- CEEC will not discriminate or retaliate against workers who participate, or seek to participate, in such organizations and collective bargaining.
- CEEC will engage with such workers’ representatives and workers’ organizations and provide them with information needed for meaningful negotiation in a timely manner.
9. Grievance Mechanism
- CEEC has a confidential grievance mechanism that is available to all workers to raise concerns about recruitment and workplace practices, without fear of intimidation, discrimination or retaliation.
- CEEC ensures all workers understand the process and the various reporting channels (grievance boxes, CLO and HR) available to them, including the ability to lodge grievances in their native language.
- The grievance mechanism includes provisions for complaints requiring special protection measures, such as reports of gender-based violence.
- CEEC aims to address workers’ concerns promptly, using a process that is transparent and understandable and provides feedback to everyone concerned.
10. Non-employee Workers
- CEEC ensures that sub-contractors and outsourcing companies to comply with EBRD labor and working conditions requirements.
- CEEC verifies the capacity of subcontractors and outsourcing companies to comply with EBRD labour and working conditions requirements.
- CEEC ensures demobilization of project workers to comply with national legal requirements and to report to EBRD in advance.
- CEEC manages and monitors performance of subcontractors and outsourcing companies to comply with the contractual requirements.
- CEEC ensures that workers of subcontractors and outsourcing companies to have access to a grievance mechanism.
11. Supply Chain
- CEEC maps all primary suppliers and assesses the child labour, forced labour and the risk of harm to workers, including gender-based violence.
- CEEC verifies suppliers’ policies and practices on occupational health and safety, GBVH risks are properly controlled in the supply chain.
- CEEC identifies and deals with any “reported” risks of child labour and forced labour in lower tiers of the supply chain.
- CEEC ensures that specific requirements in relation to child labour, forced labour and risk of harm are included in all purchasing orders and contracts with suppliers.